4c1e08f8e7 4fbeab13658e7ba1d8fed2d102dcb1bfdfd98495 13.99 MiB (14665384 Bytes) Gnutella server/client program. This is a .deb file which was compiled by me for Debian and all its derivatives such as: antiX, Aquamorph, Comfusion (formerly called Uberyl), Damn Small Linux ( You have searched for packages that names contain gtk-gnutella in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. Found 2 matching packages.. Unfortunately, many people have trouble compiling Gtk-Gnutella on Linux distributions albeit it should be very simple. The following applies to.. Download. Official releases at SourceForge. Official releases can be downloaded from SourceForge as source tarballs. Cryptographic signatures for the tarballs.. shares files in a peer to peer network. Gtk-Gnutella is a reliable and efficient Gnutella client, supporting the latest Gnutella protocol, bandwidth limitation (both.. Download gtk-gnutella linux packages for ALTLinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Mageia, NetBSD, OpenMandriva, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS, ROSA,.. You have searched for source packages that names contain gtk-gnutella in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. Found 1 matching packages.. The following binary packages are built from this source package: gtk-gnutella: shares files in a peer to peer network; gtk-gnutella-dbg: shares files in a peer to.. Gnome is not required. gtk-gnutella is currently developed and tested under Linux (Debian 2.2) and is known to run at least on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD,.. Popular Alternatives to gtk-gnutella for Windows, Mac, Linux, Java Mobile, Haiku and more. Explore apps like gtk-gnutella, all suggested and ranked by the.. gtk-gnutella is a GTK+ Gnutella client for Unix. It supports both searching and sharing with the 0.6 version of the Gnutella protocol and includes support .. 7 Oct 2018 . A GTK+ Gnutella client, efficient, reliable and fast, written in C. It has been optimized for speed and scalability, with low-memory consumption.. gtk-gnutella: No summary available for gtk-gnutella in ubuntu yakkety. gtk-gnutella-dbg: No . gtk-gnutella-dbgsym: debug symbols for package gtk-gnutella.. Source Package: gtk-gnutella (1.1.8-1build1) [universe] . Other Packages Related to gtk-gnutella . gtk-gnutella1.1.8-1build1.debian.tar.xz, 9.7 kB.. 9 Mar 2016 . Free Download Gtk-Gnutella for Linux - A Gnutella client, optimized for scalability and speed, written in GTK+ for GNU/Linux systems.. oldstable/main, gtk-gnutella, 1.1.1, net, lucabdebian.org Devuan Stable stable/main, gtk-gnutella, 1.1.8, misc, lucabdebian.org Devuan Testing testing/.. gtk-gnutella is a server/client for the Gnutella peer-to-peer network. It runs on . It is currently developed and tested under Linux (Debian) as well as NetBSD.. gtk-gnutella is a peer-to-peer file sharing application which runs on the gnutella network. . gtk-gnutella 0.96.8 on Debian lenny. Developer(s), Raphael Manfredi, Richard Eckart. Initial release, 16 April 2000. Stable release. 1.1.14 / 4 October 2018.. 21 Oct 2015 . A Gnutella server/client. . Package Details: gtk-gnutella 1.1.14-2 . Git Clone URL: (read-only).. Source Package: gtk-gnutella (1.0.1-1) [universe] . Source Repository ( VCS : Git): git://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/gtk-gnutella.git; Debian Package Source.. A GTK+ Gnutella client, optimized for speed and scalability.
Gtk-Gnutella Debian Keygen
Updated: Mar 23, 2020